Monday, April 30, 2007


Hello Dear Readers and my profound apologies for the tardiness of my posting. I made up the title for this blog a couple of weeks ago and then didn't really know how to proceed. Like a venus flytrap, I've grabbed 9 bloggers so far(probably those jolly Pythoneers expecting a picture of John Cleese doing his "silly walk" from the Ministry of Silly Walks Sketch, et al).

I suppose it's only fair that I explain what this blog is about; well, it's about me, I guess. I live with bipoplar disorder, so it's sure to always be fun and lively. In fact, that is the inspiration for the title, life being the cupboard that my head is stuck in (perhaps to save confusion I should have entitled it "I Cannot Extricate My Brain-Pan From the Wooden Receptacle of Life")

My wife is currently writing a vampire novel as is my dog, Xena, leaving me as the only one not actively writing at the moment. Thus I now have a blog, to enrich you with my wisdom... well, maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Welcome to blogdom! And now you're on my links, as well. If Xena starts her own blog, that will truly be something.