Here are the rules:
Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

1. I'm 6'2" with a long torso and medium legs. Now you know what kind of coffin to buy for me.

2. When I was young I got the eraser from the end of a pencil stuck up my nose. I was sent home early. When my father came home for lunch, I tearily told him about how I'd stuck a pencil too far up my nose.

And when I pulled it out the eraser was still lodged in my nasal cavity. Being a handy sort my father went for the needlenose pliers. That scared me to death. After several unsuccesful attempts we tried a different tack; exhaling through the blocked nostril while plugging the other one. "One, two, three, pop!"

3. When I was working as an usher at the Runnymede Cinema, I had the honour of ripping Bob Dylan's movie ticket.

4. The first restricted movie that I was able to sneak into was "Alien" by Ridley Scott. It was at the Odeon Lakeshore theatre in Toronto, which no longer exists. There were only about two other people in the audience. I loved it.

5. I was onstage with the Bolshoi Ballet as an extra when they performed on tour at the old O'Keefe Centre in Toronto. First one was "Romeo and Juliet", the other was "La Bayadere".

For the first one I had to brandish my sword as one of the warring families in time to the music at the close of Act I. In the other one I had to lift one side of a sedan chair carrying one of the performers onstage. The chair itself was extremely heavy.

6. While working at the now Hummingbird Centre (O'Keefe Centre) I saw Big Bird without his head smoking a cigarette. I believe I'm scarred for life.

7. I'm a Batman fanatic.

8. I must have been in grade five when my brother Jeff and I had a fight in the dining room. At the time there were pails of all kinds of paint. Jeff took one of these pails that had a skin over the top and assumed it would be safe to pretend to pour it over my head. It wasn't. The skin fell off and I got covered over my head and body with white paint. I was freaked. I tried to wash it off but it didn't seem to want to come off. I talked to my mother on the phone. She seemed to think all I needed was soap and water. So I did the best I could and walked off to school. I made quite an entrance. Everybody was laughing. My grandmother who was living with us quickly came to school and picked me up. My mom later found out that it was acrylic paint and I spent the rest of my night with her scrubbing terpentine into my hair and on my face. I still owe Jeff for that one.
I tag: Kelly, SciFiChick, Beccajane, Crowwoman, Miss Frou Frou, InterstellerLass, MichelleWriter and Julia.
ACK! Tagged! Dang it! So is this tag from Brad as Julia or Julia as Brad? heh.
I just did this one not too long ago here:
That's my cop out. I don't know if I could come up with 8 more random things. Unless I lied...
Today the part of Brad is being played by Brad.
Thanks for getting back to me, Rhian and Angela.
okay Brad - they're posted!
Sorry it took so long to get to read this! Okay, almost a year is inexcusable, but what can you say?
Good list! Hate that you had paint dumped on you--very stupid thing for your brother to do.
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