Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #2 - Brad Needs...

You probably know the drill by now. But if not, here goes:

Go to the Google search field, type in your name plus the word 'needs'. Hit enter and the fun ensues.

1. Brad needs to get real with himself and the people he claims to love.

I've been fictional for far too long.

2. Brad needs babies.

I have nothing to hold the door open with.

3. Brad needs transitional care in order to cope with the problems arising out of his closed head injury.

'Nuff said.

4. Brad needs a new pair of wrestling shoes.

The old pair are fighting in the closet with my samurai sandals.

5. Brad needs a Foster.

Do they mean a foster parent, a foster child or a Foster's lager?

6. Brad needs a cordless, lapel microphone.

Just speak into this flower here...

7. Brad needs to attend EVERY premiere dressed in a tuxedo!

My straightjacket just wasn't cuttin' it.

8. Brad needs to stop acting crazy.

I keep telling them, it's not acting!

9. Brad needs to open up and come clean.

It sounds painful.

10. Brad needs another butt!

I've already worked my ass off.

11. Brad needs to hit the gym in order to kick Skeletor's ass.

Now I'm supposed to exercise to look good next to comic book characters?

12. Brad needs something to do while she's shooting.

Playstation II

13. Brad needs a broom shoved up his arse.

Listen, I've said it before. This is the absolute worst way to sweep the floor.


Julia Phillips Smith said...

"2. Brad needs babies.
I have nothing to hold the door open with."


Kelly Boyce said...

Let me know what color you want those wrestling shoes in. I know a guy that custom makes.

Angela/SciFiChick said...

Too funny.. Sounds like #7 could have been talking about Brad Pitt..

Anonymous said...

Too funny!! LOL And #13 sounds very painful. Definitely not the best way to sweep!