
1. Spiderman 3 - Not quite as good as Spiderman 1 or 2, but still a lot of fun.

2. Night at the Museum - I enjoyed this thoroughly.

3. The Messengers - Ho-hum horror.

4. Eragon - Good actors + good source material + mediocre movie = bad director.

5. Walk the Talk - No laughs though I did smile throughout this Aussie comedy.

6. Signs & Wonders - Quietly effective drama about a man who allows himself to do things because of the signs that he thinks he sees.

7. The Birth of a Nation - Not the classic I thought it would be. Pretty lousy actually.

8. Utopia - Not bad Laurel and Hardy comedy.

9. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Arrrrr! ‘Tis a fine flick!
10. Sin City - One of my all time favorite movies.

11. The Exorcism of Emily Rose - this movie gets under my skin (that’s a compliment).

12. Phantom of the Paradise - I’ve loved this movie since I was a kid.

13. Time Bandits - one of the best pre-Harry Potter family fantasies.

14. 28 Days Later - really good zombie flick.

15. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - a confusing story if you are not familiar with the game (I’m not) but makes up for it through the sheer beauty of it’s animation.

16. The Corpse Bride - I enjoy this film more each time I watch it.

17. A Dirty Shame - John Waters at his prime.

18. Batman Begins - Now that’s a Batman movie!

19. Bubba Ho-Tep - Bruce Campbell gets another great character to add to his repertoire.

20. The Woods - you’ve just got to like a movie directed by someone named Lucky McGee.

21. Haeckel’s Tale (Masters of Horror) - mediocre horror tale.

22. The Aristocrats - I can’t get over the glee that overtakes these comedians in the telling of this one fowl little tale. Too hilarious for words.

23. Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace - Okay... not as good as the first (last?) trilogy but still has that great lightsabre duel with Darth Maul at the end.

24. Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones - Better than The Phantom Menace; and Yoda with a lightsabre is classic.

25. Saw - Less bloody on a second viewing than I remembered, but still intense and grim viewing.

26. Team America: World Police - The height in low-brow humor. I loved it.

27. American Splendor - This is a well made and loving look at this curmudgeon.

28. Constantine - I liked it, though I have not read the comics. (It always strikes me as odd that people complain when a movie isn't the same as the comic. It's a different medium; one where compromise is the key to getting anything made).

29. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Tim Burton really shines here. Danny Elfman’s score is great.

30. Undead - Funny Aussie horror spoof comedy.
Hi Brad, thanks for checking out my blog. I actually enjoyed Spidey 3 more than 2 - it was funnier, though MJ is still whiny...
Oh my, I remember the Phantom of the Paradise - I haven't seen that movie for years.
The Aristocrats is on our list of movies we want to see, but we'll need to move dvd player to our room so the kids can't watch. :-) I hear Bob Saget is surprising in it.
Ahhh...Batman Begins...I still have the Christian Bale poster you scammed for me hanging over my computer for inspiration!
yo Brad- thanks for the blog hop! waving like an idjet from Disney. Whatcha mean you can't see me? (Waving at QueenFrou as well - heyya girlfriend!)
And sorry - i'm a total loser when it comes to this post of yours - i usually have my face plastered against the computer, a canvas or in a book - so i'm fairly useless when it comes to movie trivia. I am going to MGM Studios this afternoon though - maybe i'll learn something and redeem myself. Grin!
I'll take you and Jenny up on the challenge. But my list will be tiny and wee compared to yours.
"Eragon" - quelle disappointment
"Sin City" - me too!
"Bubba Ho-tep" - go, Bruce, go!
Miss Frou Frou - Some friends and I used to sing along to the soundtrack album. We'd pretend that we were the Juicy Fruits. Now that I have it on dvd, I just turn it on whenever I can't sleep. It works just like a lullaby.
Annette - The Aristocrats is so grotesque your jaw will hit the floor, but it's fascinating to watch all these different comedians riff on the same joke.
Kelly - I can't wait until the sequel, "The Dark Knight", comes out next summer.
Rhian - I am for books what you are for movies. I love books but I have the the reading speed of a fern. I have so many books that I fear will not finish them by my bicentennial birthday party.
Julia - I'll be watching you closely, girl, to see if you cheat. If you do, no foot rubs for you!!!
I've seen most of those and agree with you!
By the way, you've been tagged! Check out my blog to learn more.
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